
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to Fire Your Bad Boss You Can Get Rid of Your Bad Boss if You Follow These Guidelines

Do you have a bad boss? No, not one of those bad ordinary bosses who fails to give direction and recognition. Those are low stress bad bosses. You’ve got the type of bad boss who bullies, insults, lies, changes direction, blames others, and verbally assaults your self-esteem – every day.
You’ve confronted the boss with his behavior – nicely - but it didn’t put a dent in his game. You’ve talked to Human Resources but they threw their hands up in frustration. Apparently, the guy gets the job done and the higher ups like him. But, they’ve never seen him in action, you argued. Talk to more employees. I’m not the only one complaining.
He’s on his best behavior when senior managers or HR staff are around. So, it’s almost impossible to communicate what you and your coworkers experience every day. No pattern of employees leaving exists, you’re told, which would set off red flags, but the boss has only been in this position for a year. Half of the office is looking for a new job.
You like your job, your company, and coworkers. The only problem is the current boss. You’re beyond self-pity and annoyance. You’re scared but you can’t take the bullying any more. You’ve decided that you either need to take action or get a new job. Those are your remaining choices.
Maybe it’s time for you to take action to get him gone. The best way, if you can figure out how to set it up, is for senior management to see him in action. They’ve always treated you with respect and you don’t believe that they’d put up with his daily behavior, if they could just see it.
So, the very best way is to set up a situation in which the boss will exhibit the worst of his behaviors publicly and in front of his boss. It’s not as if his boss has not heard rumors before about his behavior, but he may have been unaware of how bad the behavior really is. In an organization, it is powerful to have the boss act out his worst behaviors in front of his boss.Nothing else works as well, if it’s time to fire your boss, and other options are fraught with danger for the employee. Here are a couple of ways to minimize the danger if you decide to look at other options first.

Take Action to Remove a Bad Boss

Understand that danger exists when you decide it is time to fire your boss. If he is well thought of, you may bring trouble and insecurity to your own employment. You may bear the brunt of your organization's displeasure if your efforts to fire your boss don't succeed.
In any case, your efforts draw a magnifying glass to your own performance. Soconsider other solutions before you decide that your only recourse is to fire your boss.
If you’re not quite brave enough or you haven’t yet thought of the perfect scenario for setting your boss up to exhibit his worst behavior, here are additional actions that you need to take.
  • Check to see if you can talk to HR in confidence. Seek their assistance to advise you about how to address the situation. Your company may have a formal complaint process. HR staff may know this bad boss and recommend ways to respond to him effectively. The heads up may elicit some manager coaching by the HR staff. But, if your name is connected to the situation, a bad boss will retaliate. You can count on it.

  • If you belong to a union or work for the government, go to your representative first. Contractual rules and obligations may exist that you need to follow for best results.

  • Document everything. Document each incident of the boss’s bad behavior with the dates and the names of witnesses. Bully bosses don’t always have multiple targets; you may be in the situation alone if the boss has taken a dislike to just you, for whatever reason. (If this is the case, you need to determine why you are the target of his worst behavior.)

  • In addition to documentation, make a list of the issues employees have with the boss to go along with it - a condensed version that succinctly identifies each behavior. And, if you can, ask other employees to sign it; they may not. People are afraid of losing their jobs; they may not experience the situation as intensely as you do, and they may want to avoid conflict.

  • Develop a safe path to your boss’s manager. If you have developed a working relationship with your boss’s boss, he is more likely to take your complaints seriously. With a bully boss, you must develop this relationship with care or it will become another point in your boss’s bullying. If the first time you speak to your boss’s manager is to file a complaint, you have less credibility.

  • Actively, seek witnesses. Following each outburst, note who saw the scene. Turn to these coworkers to build alliances. Ask your coworkers to document their experience with the bad boss, too. You will find safety in numbers and the more employees adding their voice to the complaints, the harder it is for senior managers to ignore or deny the problem.

  • An employee who attempts to remove a bad boss, no matter how bad the boss, may lose his or her job. So, be prepared to lose your job, if your boss turns it around and you lose the battle. Even if you are 100% right, you still may end up losing. Your company may back your boss.

    Your organization had reasons to assign your boss to his management role. Perhaps he has skills and produces the results that the company needs. If you are his sole target, it is easier to remove you. By the time the organization realizes that he always has a target, you will be long gone.

  • Preparation is key if you attempt to have a bad boss fired. You really need your ducks in a row to get a bad boss fired. Documentation of incidences, statements from witnesses, and the names of coworkers who have also been bullied and are willing to speak up, are critical.

    So, think over your chances of succeeding. Your best route may be to secretly job search, so you can quit on your schedule and on your terms, rather than battling a hopeless situation.
Whether you can successfully fire your boss depends on who and what your organization values and why. It depends on the culture your organization has developed and values for employees. Additional variables include what you and the boss bring to the table. Right or wrong, he or she is, after all, the boss for reasons, and is probably in a stronger position than you are.
I’ve seen employers fire the boss when employees made known to senior managers the extent of the problem, the treatment, and the damage. But, realistically, your company has to care about employees, and desire to create a particular environment for employees, to take action quickly to resolve the problem.
In most cases, even if the company believes you and takes action, the company will have a disciplinary policy and process that they must follow.
So, the process will take time and you will experience harassment and retaliationunless your senior managers and HR have put the manager on notice that they will tolerate neither.

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Marketing vs. Sales: What is the Difference? (Understand the Difference Between Marketing and Sales and How They Work Together)

What is the difference between marketing and sales?
Do you know the difference between marketing and sales? Let's think about this question for a moment. Without marketing you would not have prospects or leads to follow up with, but yet without a good sales technique and strategy your closing rate may depress you. Marketing and sales should work simultaneously, but in most companies they are departments that don't even speak to each other.
If we broke it down to the basics, marketing is everything that you do to reach and persuade prospects and the sales process is everything that you do to close the sale and get a signed agreement or contract. Both are necessities to the success of a business. You cannot do without either process. If you work to strategically combine both efforts you will experience a successful amount of business growth. However, by the same token if the efforts are unbalanced or departments don't communicate it can detour business growth.
Your marketing should consist of strategies that you can measure your reach and work to persuade your prospects that you are the company for them. It's the message that prepares the prospect for the sale. It could consist of advertising, public relations, social media, relationship marketing, brand marketing, viral marketing, and direct mail.
The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance. Most the time the prospect or potential customer has been driven to you via marketing efforts.
I like to think of it like this, your marketing efforts begin the process of the eight contacts or touchpoints that studies show it takes to move a prospect or potential client to the close of the sale. If marketing is done effectively you can begin to move that prospect from the status of a cold lead to a warm lead. When the prospect hits the"warm" level it's much easier for the sales professional or sales department to close the sale.
Do you see the cycle?
Studies have shown that it takes multiple contacts using both sales and marketing to move the prospect from one level to the next. That is why it is important that you develop a process that combines both sales and marketing. This will enable you to reach prospects at all three levels; cold, warm, and hot. It's all about balance. Make sure that you've integrated the two, marketing and sales. They are not separate. If they are different departments, those departments must talk and communicate in order to be effective.
Are you unsure of how to integrate your marketing and sales?
Try this. Take a few moments and divide your prospect lists and database into categories of cold, warm, and hot leads. Then sit down and identify a strategy on how to proceed with each individual group.
For example you could try the following methods of contact:
  • Cold Lead Strategy - Send out a direct mailing or offer them a special promotion
  • Warm Lead Strategy - Try a follow-up call, send out a sales letter, or schedule a special seminar or training session to get all of your warm leads together.
Once you've moved your prospect to the "warm" level it's time to proceed in closing the sale, call it passing the baton if you'd like. This will be easier to do if you somehow engage the prospect. You can do this by conducting a one-on-one call, make a presentation, or present a proposal, estimate, or contract.
What if you are uncomfortable with the sales or marketing process?
An alternative that often proves successful is to partner with someone that possess the talents that you feel you lack in. If you are stronger in marketing, find someone who understands and gets the sales process. If you are better at sales find someone that can help you strengthen the message, create marketing materials that sell and give you tactics and ideas. If you don't work in a company that has both departments and you are working solo you can do this by creating a partnership, subcontracting, or hiring in that talent.
Remember the key to success in marketing and in sales is balance!

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