
Monday, August 18, 2014

5 Ways to Close a Deal

5 Ways to Close a Deal

Many sellers are afraid to ask potential customers whether they're going to buy. The reason is simple: They're secretly worried the answer will be no, and that all their hard work developing the opportunity will turn out to be wasted.
After all, if you don't close the deal, you can continue to enjoy the pleasant fantasy of winning the business.
As a result, some sellers shilly-shally about, hoping that the customer will volunteer something like, "Here's my money; give me the product!" (Which almost never happens.)
Because closing is so important, everybody who sells should know the five classic closes and when to use them. Here they are:
1. The Assumptive Close
Concept: You ask a question that, when the customer answers it, implicitly commits the customer to the sale.
Example: "Help me understand your process and how your company will purchase this product."
Best Usage: When you're not certain that the customer is convinced. Talking about the details will either confirm the customer's decision to buy or allow for further discussion. Be careful with this one, though: If your delivery is too ham-handed, this close can seem manipulative.
2. The Reverse Close
Concept: You ask a question that elicits a no response but which is actually a yes to the close.
Example: "Is there any reason, if we gave you the product at this price, that you wouldn't do business with our company?"
Best Usage: When the customer has a pessimistic personality that enjoys nit-picking and finding fault. Remember to have a backup plan if the answer is "Yes, which is why I'm not going to buy."
3. The Time-Sensitive Close
Concept: You attach the purchase to a time line that the customer has already communicated.
Example: "You said you want to get this done by [a certain time]; let's look at our calendars and figure out what we need to do today."
Best Usage: When the customer has committed to achieving a specific goal within a specific time. This is also useful as an intermediate close on the next step--thereby laying the groundwork for a final close.
4. The Direct-Question Close
Concept: You summarize the conversation (or series of conversations) and simply ask for the business.
Example: "It looks like we've answered all the questions. Shall we move forward with this?"
Best Usage: This is the general purpose close and can be applied in almost any sales situation. It never seems manipulative and seldom backfires. Should the answer be no, however, start a conversation that investigates why the customer isn't yet ready to buy.
5. The Direct-Statement Close 
Concept: You communicate your confidence that the purchase is going to happen by simply stating that it is going to happen.
Example: "Let's move forward on this."
Best Usage: Use this when you've received multiple green lights signaling that the customer is ready to buy. This close has an added benefit, by the way, by positioning the purchase as an agreement between equals, rather than a supplication from the seller to the buyer.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Good morning this video and if you think all is lost think again..

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6 Tips On How To Overcome Discouragement In Business

6 Tips On How To Overcome Discouragement In Business

1. Have a burning desire for success
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time-Thomas A. Edison
2. Be willing to work hard at working smart
Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things-Byron Dorgan
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else-Albert Einstein
4. You must make a decision to make things happen
Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach-Tony Robbins
5. Don’t just be busy, be productive
It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?-Henry David Thoreau
6. Always believe in yourself
Believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish-Brad Henry

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

7 ways on how to become successfull in Network Marketing

You probably have an image firmly planted in your mind of what network marketing (also known as direct sales or multilevel marketing) is all about--housewives buying and selling Tupperware while gossiping and eating finger sandwiches, or a high-pressure salesperson trying to convince you how easily you can become a millionaire if only you and your friends and their friends and so on would buy and sell vitamins with him.
Both of these images couldn't be further from the reality of network marketing. It's neither a hobby nor a get-rich-scheme but an opportunity for you to earn money running your own part- or full-time business.
Choose wisely. There are six key elements you should be looking for [when selecting an opportunity]. Number one: stability. How old is the company? Number two is excellent products or services that consumers will use and need more of.
Number three is the pay plan--how even and fair and generous overall is the distribution? This is really crucial as the pay plan represents exactly how you'll get paid--or not get paid. There are really only two questions to ask [regarding this]: How many pennies out of each sales dollar get paid back to the distributors each month, and how fair is the distribution of these pennies between the old members and the new members?
Number four is the integrity of the company and the management. As much as possible, [investigate] the experience of the CEO, [their] experience in the network marketing industry, and their background. [Have] they been successful in other companies in the industry? Do they have a good reputation?
Number five is momentum and timing. Look at where the company's at, what's going on with the company, and if it's growing.
Number six is support, training and business systems. You may have [chosen] a great company with excellent management, products that make a difference, a pay plan that's uniquely fair and very generous, and momentum and stability, but if you don't have a system in place that works, all of that [doesn't matter]. Most companies will have a transferable training system that they use, and that's where mentorship comes in.
Practice what they teach. [To succeed,] you need to be willing to listen and learn from mentors. The way this industry is structured, it's in the best interests of the [MLM veterans in your company] to help you succeed, so they're willing to teach you the system. Whatever [your mentor] did to become successful, it's very duplicatible, but you have to be willing to listen and be taught and follow those systems.
The higher-ups. It can be called various things, but the general term is the "upline," meaning the people above you. How supportive are they? Do they call you? Do they help you put a plan in place? Are they as committed to your success as they are to their own? You should be able to relate to [the people in your upline] and be able to call them at any time to say "I need some help." How much support there is from the people above you in the company is very important.
Take up the lead with your downline. There's a term in the network marketing industry called "orphans"--when somebody is brought in and then the person who brought them in is just so busy bringing in other people that they don't spend the time to teach and train [the new person]. You should be prepared to spend at least 30 days helping a new person come into the industry--training them, supporting them and holding their hand until they feel confident to be able to go off on their own. You really need to ask yourself, are you willing to do that? Are you able to do that? This is really about long-term relationship building. It's not about just bringing people into the business and just moving forward. It's about working with these people and helping them to develop relationships.
On the net. People are utilizing [the internet] as their main marketing tool. [You can set up your site] with autoresponders so when you capture leads, the autoresponder can follow up with that person. One of the greatest keys to success in this industry is follow-up. Many people will have someone call them who's interested or they'll call the person and say they're interested, but then they don't follow up with it. Automation on the internet has allowed a much more consistent method of following up.
The only drawback with the internet is people who utilize it to spam. If there was one thing I could put forward to say, "Do not do" when utilizing the internet as a marketing tool, it's spamming because that can give a very bad reputation not only to you but also to the company you're working with.
Taking care of business. This is a business, and just like if you were running a franchise or a storefront, you [should have an] accountant. You have all the same write-offs tax-wise that you have with running a [full-time] business, so it's very important to [do your research] prior to getting involved, before you start making money from it. How is that going to affect you tax-wise? What are your write-offs?
It's important to set up a [support] team around you. I'd suggest seeking out lawyers who deal in network marketing, so they're very versed in all the laws and how that affects [your business.]. There are also accountants who specialize in dealing with homebased businesses specifically in the direct-selling industry.
Don't quit your day job...yet. Never leave your full-time position unless you're absolutely certain that the income that's coming in with this company is going to be there. [Be sure that] you've been with the company [for awhile] and that you know it's a stable company, and the income that you're earning is equal to or greater than the income you're earning from your job before quitting.

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